Atelierul lui Cézanne la Aix-en-Provence.
vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012
Brancusi, autoportrait dans son atelier
Autoportret in atelier. Brancusi, asa cum l-a invatat Man Ray, si-a cumparat un Rolleiflex cu care a facut poze minunate. Aici insa, n-a calculat bine expunerea...
Brancusi jouant au golf, 1923
Constantin Brancusi playing golf, Fontainebleau, 25 Sept. 1923
Brancusi, Roché et Satie au golf à Saint-Cloud
Roché, « jeune homme » sportif de quarante-quatre ans entre Brancusi et Satie accompagnés de Jeanne Foster, compagne de John Quinn à Saint-Cloud le 5 novembre 1923.
Brancusi avec Erik Satie, John Quinn et Henri-Pierre Roché.
Erik Satie, John Quinn, Brancusi et Henri-Pierre Roché. Constantin Brancusi rencontre Erik Satie en 1910, une importante correspondance entretient l’amitié des deux artistes. Satie rend régulièrement visite à Brancusi dans son atelier de Montparnasse. Henri Pierre Roché est l'auteur du roman "Jules et Jim", qui inspire le film de Truffaut. C'est Roché qui présente Brancusi au maharajah qui voulait construire le temple d'Indore. John Quinn est un avocat américain grand amateur de golf et acheteur de plusieurs œuvres de Brancusi.
Manik Bagh, le Palace du maharajah Rao Holkar
Manik Bagh Palace construit de arhitectul german Eckart Mauthesis (facea parte din miscarea " Deuchen Werkbund " ) pentru Rao Holkar. In imensul teren din fata palatului trebuia sa fie instalat " Templul meditatiei " in mijloc aflandu-se o " Pasare maiastra ".
Intérieurs et art moderne à Manik Bagh, chez le Maharajah
A modern building (for the 1920s), Manik Bagh was filled with modern art and sculptures by Le Corbusier, de Monvel, and Constantin Brancusi. The furniture was modern and designed by Jacques-Emile Ruhlman and the Luckhardt brothers; even the bathroom design and fittings were modern. Muthesius also designed railway coaches for the Maharaja, and the interiors of his two airplanes, for which an airport was constructed at Indore with the help of Tata & Sons.
Man Ray. Yeshwant Rao Holkar II and Sanyogita Devi of Indore, ca. 1930
Man Ray. Yeshwant Rao Holkar II and Sanyogita Devi of Indore, ca. 1930; gelatin silver print. Courtesy of Sheikh Saoud bin Mohamed bin Ali Al-Thani. © 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP.
Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Sawai Shri Yeshwant Rao II Holkar XIV Bahadur, Indore.
Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Sawai Shri Yeshwant Rao II Holkar XIV Bahadur - INDORE - A cumparat trei lucrari de Brancusi si urma sa construiaca in palatul sau din India " Templul meditatiei ". Incurcaturile financiare l-au impiedicat.
joi, 22 noiembrie 2012
Groupe surréaliste
Maxime Alexandre, Louis Aragon, André Breton, Luis Bunuel, Jean Caupenne, Paul Éluard, Marcel Fourrier, René Magritte, Albert Valentin, André Thirion, Yves Tanguy, Georges Sadoul, Paul Nougé, Camille Goemans, Max Ernst, Salvador Dalì.
marți, 20 noiembrie 2012
Anniversaire de Leo Castelli, New York, 1982
Historic photo : New York, 1982, 25th Anniversary Lunch of Castelli Gallery at The Odeon. Standing left - right: Ellsworth Kelly, Dan Flavin, Joseph Kosuth, Richard Serra, Lawerence Weiner, Nassos Daphnis, Jasper Johns, Claes Oldenberg, Salvatore Scarpitta, Richard Artschwager, Mia Westerlund Roosen, Cletus Johnson, Keith Sonnier Seated left - right: Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli, Ed Ruscha, James Rosenquist, Robert Barry. Photo: Hans Namuth
duminică, 18 noiembrie 2012
Génica Athanasiu, La Coquille et le clergyman, film surréliste
The Seashell and the Clergyman (French: La Coquille et le clergyman) is considered by many to be the first surrealist film. It was directed by Germaine Dulac, from an original scenario by Antonin Artaud, and premiered in Paris on 9 February 1928. The film follows the erotic hallucinations of a priest lusting after the wife of a general.
Director: Germaine Dulac
Writer: Antonin Artaud
Stars: Alex Allin, Genica Athanasiou and Lucien Bataille
Franz Kline, vendu à 40, 4 millions de dollars à New York
Lucrare a pictorului american Franz Kline (1910-1962), o figură importantă a expresionismului abstract, a fost vândută contra sumei record de 40,4 milioane de dolari, miercuri, la New York, de casa de licitaţii Christie's.
Giorgio Morandi, Grande nature morte en cercle, 1946
Giorgio Morandi (Italian, 1890-1964), Grande natura morta circolare con bottiglia e tre oggetti, 1946.
Stanley Kubrick, Autoportrait dans un bateau
Stanley Kubrick
Self Portrait on a boat, Palisades Amusement Park (New Jersey), 26 June, 1946. !avec un Rolleiflex)
luni, 12 noiembrie 2012
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein.

The Wittgenstein haus : after World War II, the house became a barracks and stables for Russian soldiers. It was owned by Thomas Stonborough, son of Margaret until 1968 when it was sold to a developer for demolition.[citation needed] For two years after this the house was under threat of demolition. The Vienna Landmark Commission saved it - after a campaign by Bernhard Leitner - and made it a national monument in 1971, and since 1975 it has housed the cultural department of the Bulgarian Embassy.
Brancusi versus Comitetul pentru arta de pe lînga consiliul de ministri, 1951
Cum au vrut comuniştii să dărâme Coloana Infinitului Demolările monumentelor ist
orice caracterizează toate epocile de schimbare revoluţionară. Lupta cu statuile a împins mereu în arena publică lideri intoleranţi şi neînţelegători pentru trecut şi însemnele acestuia. Părerea că distrugând un monument...
duminică, 11 noiembrie 2012
Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda

Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda, Juan les Pins, 1920's ( Tender is the night )
Andrew Wyeth, fin 1970

RARE photo of Andrew Wyeth at private Airfield in late 1970s/early 80s

Wind from the Sea by Andrew Wyeth (oil on canevas).

Andrew Wyeth - "Marsh Hawk" gravure from the late 1960s
sâmbătă, 10 noiembrie 2012
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